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Archive of Questions asked by 1st Time TGA Patients and Caregivers
(These questions were taken from selected emails and text messages since the TGA Project began in 2017. The suggestions provided are from various responses during that same time period from fellow TGA Project community members. We offer these suggestions from a patient standpoint. This website is only for support and does not replace the advice of a health professional.)
1. What can I expect in the first week after my TGA?
A fair amount of confusion as you try to recollect your thoughts and memories of your event. With that confusion, some fear will sneak in with the "What-if type of thoughts." Suggestion: click on our Testimonials Section and read about other TGA patients.
2. What can I expect during the first month after my TGA?
The first thing you will notice is the amount of time you spend reading about TGA and how much time you spend on Facebook chatting with others.
Second, during this time you will usually have an appointment with your primary care provider. Your provider will most likely suggest a neurologist or two in your area for an evaluation appointment. The neurologist appointment may not happen until the second month due to scheduling and insurance approval.
Third, reality will settle in that you are maybe a little different in your cognitive abilities and your fears most likely will become humorous one-liners and/or stories.
3. What can I expect after 6 months?
Hopefully, you have looked over our Coping Suggestions Page and have realized TGA isn't life-threatening. You will look back and be happy it wasn't a stroke or Alzheimer's. Very few of us have 2nd TGA's during this time period. Go on with your life and adapt to some new quirks you may have noticed about yourself. We all vary regarding the topic of "Quirks."
4. Will I have another TGA?
Most of us don't. A few of us have quite a few over a 10 year period. Some of us find out after multiple events that we weren't having a TGA, but instead, it was diagnosed TEA.
5. What is TEA?
Transient Epileptic Amnesia. These events are much, much shorter in the length of time in amnesia. Usually only minutes, not hours. See our Glossary Section, Letter "T".
6. Where can I get help on the Internet?
Our website attempts at being a one-stop, simple to navigate, and pertinent information source. We have an External Resources Link Page with several highly recommended sites and we have a Facebook Link to the 2 most popular chatrooms. We also have a Reference Page with several hundred additional links and bibliographies.
7. Are there any face-to-face support groups in my area?
As far as we know, there are no such groups meeting exclusively for TGA patients. We have TGA community members in 20 countries and have never posted a meeting notice. You may try a web search for Mental Health group meetings, but we generally don't fall into that category.
8. What category does TGA fall under?
Here is a list of possible categories: Amnesia, Transient Global Amnesia (TGA), mental illness, mental health, brain fart or hic-cup, neurological enigma, disease of the brain, pre-Alzheimer's, mental breakdown, dementia, bat-shit crazy, alien abduction, mind-blowing sex, extreme stress, very difficult news to accept, etc.
9. Where can I get references for the credibility of the TGA Project?
We have only been around a couple years (2017 to present). We have less than 1000 TGA community members in 20 countries. We are not a 501c and we don't have any means to collect money. We have never solicited for funding. We never have had a budget. We have never held a meeting. We don't have a Board of Directors or a Medical Review Board.
We are a grassroots community gathering information regarding TGA into one location. We are known by the following umbrella organizations: NORD, NIH GARD, Sanford Research, Mayo Clinic, Eurordis, and
10. What questions should I ask my primary care provider and/or neurologist?
We suggest this page from the Mayo Clinic's website:
11. How do I find a neurologist who specializes in TGA?
The TGA Project has no means to refer a patient to any medical provider. Discuss this with your primary care provider or emergency room discharge co-ordinator.
12. Are there any conferences or workshops regarding TGA?
The TGA Project has no information regarding any specific conferences or workshops regarding TGA. The TGA Project has a relationship with NORD, EURORDIS, and the World Orphan Drug Congress. There are many rare disease conferences and workshops currently being held at various times via virtual conferencing. Just nothing specific to our TGA neurological enigma.
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