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We are a grassroots community. We are not a 501 (c) organization. We have no assets or bank accounts. We do not accept donations and we don't solicit or collect dues. We collect ideas relating to Transient Global Amnesia (TGA). We post articles, op-ed pieces, and personal testimonials. These items are the opinions of the authors. Being a TGA patient does give us a unique perspective, but we are not trained or licensed medical providers. For medical advice always seek answers from your primary health professional.

About Us...

We are not a blog or a chatroom. We function as an easy to use website full of useful TGA information. We follow HIPPA guidelines and the European GDRP policies. Our Privacy Policy is included in our menu. Our website is yearly certified by Health on the Net with a Code of Conduct # 381844.

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Richard Holl, New York State, USA. TGA patient May 2013. One episode. Richard founded the TGA Project as a means of organizing TGA information into a user-friendly website where everything TGA could be linked and stored. The TGA Project started in 2017.

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